Colombia is the richest country in biodiversity per square mile in the planet. With more than 300 ecosystems and more than 50,000 species of flora and fauna inhabiting them it’s a life jewel that should be protected for the welfare of all the human race. Sadly, several ecosystems and thousands of species are endangered due to human activities and urgent actions are needed in order to protect and restore them. Through an alliance with the local Conservation project Tesoros de Colombia and La Reserva Biopark Foundation we are promoting practical solutions to several threats affecting the country’s biodiversity in several areas and in different ecosystems.

Ecuador is a high biodiversity country and houses more than 6% of the earth’s plants and animals. With some of the most spectacular ecosystems like the Amazon rainforest, mangroves, cloud forests and the Andean highlands, Ecuador has a richness not many countries in the world have and must be protected via scientific research and active conservation. With the help of local experts, the Active Conservation Alliance will start funding conservation programs in several areas of the country.